I've been busy for the last week (well, except for my little vacation) being inundated with information about an inane verdict by a
I would give you a link right about now, but the information that I've received has been pieced together slowly and isn't all in one place. There are many facets of the case to consider. If you're not familiar with this story, a family court judge, who was hearing a case about alleged child abuse, issued a ruling that, not only may the parents involved in the case not homeschool, but no one has a right to do so in this state. Um, I'd like to see him tell all 166,000 (just an estimate, it's probably double that) homeschooled children in California that they have to now attend a public school to ensure that they are not being abused at home. Huh? Can you imagine that many children flooding the public school system all at once? They'd beg us to keep educating them at home.
Since February 29, my inbox has been smokin'. Directly after the verdict, our terminator of a governor said that he would support any legislation that makes homeschooling legal. The State Superintendent of California Public Schools also made a statement in support of homeschooling and that nothing in this state will change. The Home School Legal Defense Association filed a brief to depublish the court verdict so that it is only applicable to that case, and not the general public.
Today, Clear Channel will broadcast a show (Roger Hedgecock) in support of homeschooling. All families are encouraged to participate at the studio or to write a testimony to be read on the air.
This is what I sent in:
As my children beg me to let them "play" with the flashcards of the presidents of the
I've been homeschooling for over 11 years. The oldest of my seven children will be graduating from college in two months with a 4.0 grade point average. I'm not so sure that could have happened if I didn't homeschool him starting in the 5th grade.
You see, I don't "teach the test" to my kids. Although we stick to a strict academic schedule, my focus is to teach them the love of learning. Once that's ingrained, they will seek knowledge independently for the rest of their lives.
Personally, I'm not worried about the future of homeschooling in California.Traditionally, when those in power try to take away a basic right, like the right to defend ourselves or educate our children, the masses unite to ensure that our freedoms prevail. Homeschoolers are unique in a sense that we don't like to bring attention to ourselves, unless it's absolutely necessary. You see, the government has a track record of making the lives of homeschoolers and their families miserable (even though most of us follow the law). So waving a flag and jumping up and down tends to do us more harm than good. However, in this instance, many are voicing their opinions that they have a right to school their children at home.
In our case, if the judges of this state are so far gone that they want to legislate how my husband and I raise our children in our own home (when they are well cared for and happy), then we'd just pick up and move. Yes, I would uproot our family and find a home in a different state because I so strongly believe that the right of the government to legislate the masses ends where my right as a parent begins.