Monday, December 24, 2007


Do any of you have toddlers? Do any of you have toddlers AND a Christmas tree? Have those with the latter decorated said tree with said toddler? We did. And this is what we got:

Is this the same effect as buying all of your rentals in the same development? _____________________________________________


This is a perfect example of a marriage between a bubble blogger and me (if I could even fathom the thought--my good sport of a husband isn't too keen on it, either). I tried to copy and paste it up so you wouldn't have to link, but I couldn't work it.

Here is an entry from MSNBC's "Best Business Buzzwords or 2007":

This buzzword isn’t exactly new. But the sheer number of stories in the media about subprime mortgages has changed the word from adjective to verb status — loosely defined as the ability to completely dig one’s self into a hole and then expect a bailout.

Used in a sentence: "I completely subprimed my Algebra test yesterday. Instead of studying, I drank beer and played Xbox, and just hoped the answers would come to me. Can I still have an 'A'?"

Chances we’ll be using this buzzword in the year 2017: Slim to none. But you’ll definitely be using it in 2008.

It seems that the consensus is that I change my on-line name. I'm sorry, folks, but it seems strange to me to suddenly be known as someone else, when I've posted for months on my blog, and left comments on other blogs, as a certain person. Wouldn't it be condescending to people to assume that they will forget my real name and identify me with the "new"one? Maybe one blogger did change his name after having his DUI spread around. I don't have any skeletons in my closet. When blogs refer to him, they use both of his names in mocking fashion. I don't need to give readers any more reasons to mock me, do I ? I'll give it some more thought. ________________________________________________

Silly Questions to Edith Lank

Ms. Lank: When I sell my house, should I be able to get close to the tax appraisal price? Or how should I determine a sale price? — A.S.

Answer: You don't determine sale price and neither does the tax assessor or a real estate agent. Value is set by the buying public. No matter how skillful and how carefully updated, assessed value is not a reliable guide to probable sale price. To judge the right asking price, you must think like a buyer. Find out what people have paid recently for similar nearby properties. Find out what failed to sell. Find out what's currently on the market near you and how it compares with your place. Any nearby real estate broker can bring you those figures, and most will do it at no obligation.

Dear Edith: Is there any way that I can refinance my existing mortgage without going through a broker or agent? If not, then am I correct in assuming that I would have to pay only 3 percent, not the normal 6 percent in commission that a buyer's and seller's agents would get on the sale of the house because there is no seller involved? — J.S.

Answer: There wouldn't be a buyer involved either, so you'd have no need for a real estate agent's services at all.

Borrowing that money is simply a matter between you and the lending institution, though sometimes people do consult a mortgage broker to find out what's available.

Start by talking with your present lender to see what they have to offer. Your expenses all will be concerned with the mortgage itself.

Dear Edith: We were talking at work, and one of the girls was telling us what happened to her mother's house. Liens were put on the house for nonpayment of medical bills. Is this true? Can doctors and hospitals put liens on houses if we are unable to pay?

My house is my only asset. My husband is on Social Security, and I am going on Social Security next year. What protection do we have, or what can be done to prevent this from happening?

We worked hard for everything we have, and this bothers me that someone could come along and do this. Maybe we should sell the house and buy a condo and put the condo in my son's name. But I really don't want to sell my house. Ever since I heard about liens, I don't know what to do. — E.M.

Answer: Not only health care providers but also others to whom you owe unpaid bills can go to court and ask for a lien (a financial claim) against your property. That's always been true. But putting your home in your son's name could lead to some unexpected problems. For one thing, if he had unpaid bills, the house could be hit with liens placed by his creditors.

None of this is anything new, and nothing has changed in your situation. You might as well just relax and enjoy your home as you always have.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!