Monday, October 8, 2007

Bugle Article

Kudos to Marina for finding two grammatical errors in "Toot the Horn." I asked, you delivered. Thank you!

Speaking of "Toot the Horn", here is the article in the October edition of The Temecula Bugle:

With the downturn in the real estate market, many investors in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties have felt the burn of losing money--if not entire investment. Once the reality of the situation sinks in, and the embarrassment materializes, where does one turn for support?

Sometimes it seems that no one cares if an investor hits hard times, even if they are just regular people like yourselves and it's not something that most enthusiastically advertise. Lives are sometimes shattered by these losses and many investors feel as though they are alone in their plight. Not anymore!

Local investor Carol ******* has created a blog called "Overcoming Real Estate Losses," which outlines her and her husband's recent struggle in the market. As "mom and pop" investors, Carol estimates that they have lost somewhere between $600,000-$800,000 in the past two years alone. They have not been able to tally the exact total because one of their properties is not slated to sell until October.

The purpose of the blog is to create a community of support for those who have lost money in real estate. Readers to the forum are encouraged to post comments about their experiences, and the lessons learned from them. The message of the blog is to overcome the humiliation and to relish the camaraderie of others in the same boat. According to media reports, there are many investors out there who have lost money recently, especially in this area.

The most surprising aspects of the blog are the occasional humor and the fact that Carol and her husband have not soured on the real estate business. It's just the opposite. However, they have no choice but to watch as the best time to buy real estate is passing them by.

To access the blog, go to and post a whine about your recent real estate experience or that of someone you know.